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The Trend of Inclusive Learning Models: Systematic Review Study

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The Trend of Inclusive Learning Models: Systematic Review Study

This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria; the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education. the systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023, with the keywords teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar.

Komentar :

  • Khairunnisa Nur Sya'bana_1022231008
    Dec 18 2023 | 20:01

    Infinitive :

    Hal 145 :

    1. ”The fifth step is to conclude what types of learning…”
    2. “The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation..”
    3. “The second step is to analyze each journal..”

    Gerund :

    Hal 147 :

    1. “While the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class.”
    2. “He  keywords  used  are the  inclusive  learning  model, teaching  model  of  inclusion,  and  inclusion  teaching  from  2013  to  2023.”

    Simple past tense :

    Hal 155 : “The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year

    Reply to Khairunnisa Nur Sya'bana_1022231008  

    Your email address will not be published.

  • Nama : Kurnia Adilah NIM : 1022231010
    Dec 19 2023 | 06:38

    Simple Present Tense

    1. This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages...

    Simple Past Tense

    1. Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    2. The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year


    1. The results of this study have shown that the trend is testing existing learning models...
    2. The trend is investigating learning models adapted to inclusive classes (15%).
    3. The trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class (15%).
    4. While the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class.
    5. He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023.


    1. The second step is to analyze each jurnal...
    2. The third step is to classify journals...
    3. The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation for each jurnal...
    4. The fifth step is to conclude what types of learning model...
    5. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to investigate trends in inclusive learning models...

    Past Progressive

    1. Which were not peer-reviewed during the publication process, was evaluated using the Critical Assesment Skills Program for qualitative studies.





    Reply to Nama : Kurnia Adilah NIM : 1022231010  

    Your email address will not be published.

    Dec 19 2023 | 19:13

    1. Simple Present Tense:

    1. This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models.

    2.  The learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    3.  The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    4. Data collection using the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    5. Keywords include teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar.


    2. Past Progressive Tense 

    1.  The researchers were analyzing the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.

    2.  While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    3.  The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.



    3. Simple Past Tense 

    1. The study aimed to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.

    2. The learning model was tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    3.  The systematic review method referred to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    4. Data collection used the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    5.  Keywords included teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google 


    4. Present Progressive Tense (present continuous) 

    1. This study is currently aiming to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.

    2.  The learning model is being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    3.  The systematic review method is referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    4.  Data collection is currently being conducted using the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    5. Keywords such as teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) are currently being used for the search on google scholar.


    5.  Future Tense 

    1. This study will aim to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.

    2. The learning model will be tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    3. The systematic review method will refer to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    4. Data collection will use the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    5. Keywords such as teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) will be utilized for the search on Google Scholar.


    7. Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.

    1. Using (Present Participle):

       Data collection using the Published or Perish application is a crucial step in the research process.


    2. While (Conjunction indicating simultaneous actions):

       While the learning model was being tested, researchers observed its effectiveness at various levels of education.


    3. Going to (Future Intent):

       The researchers are going to present their findings at the upcoming education conference.


    4. Had (Past Perfect):

       Before concluding the study, the researchers had compiled and analyzed a substantial amount of data.


    5. Have (Present Perfect):

       The researchers have identified key trends in inclusive learning models based on the collected data.


    6. Was (Past Tense of "to be"):

       The systematic review method was a critical aspect of ensuring a comprehensive analysis.


    7.  Were (Past Tense of "to be")

       The five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding, were integral to the research process.


    8. Gerund 

    1. Compiling (Gerund as a Subject):

       Compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models.


    2. Disassembling (Gerund as a Subject):

       Disassembling the components of various teaching models revealed distinct patterns.


    3. Reassembling (Gerund as a Subject):

       Reassembling the information allowed for a more comprehensive analysis.


    4. Interpreting (Gerund as a Subject):

       Interpreting the results provided insights into the effectiveness of inclusive learning approaches.


    5. Concluding (Gerund as a Subject):

       Concluding the systematic review highlighted key findings in the field of inclusive education.


    6. Collecting (Gerund as an Object):

       Data collection using the Published or Perish application was a meticulous process.


    7.  Analyzing (Gerund as an Object):

       Analyzing the trends in teaching models revealed significant shifts in educational approaches.


    9. Infinitive 

    1. To analyze (Infinitive as the purpose of the study):

       This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.


    2. To test (Infinitive as the purpose of the learning model):

       The learning model was tested to serve as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.


    3. To refer (Infinitive as the purpose of the systematic review method):

       The systematic review method aims to refer to Castlebery with five study stages.


    4. To collect (Infinitive as the purpose of data collection):

       Data collection aims to use the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.


    5. To identify (Infinitive as the purpose of keywords):

       Keywords were selected to identify teaching models inclusive, teaching models for inclusive schools, and teaching models for SEND from Google Scholar.



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  • Rafifaraissya Khadijah
    Dec 19 2023 | 20:27

    Simple Present tense :

    • This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria

    • Many researchers have conducted studies on the accuracy of the inclusive learning model

    • The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or perish application,  


    Simple Past Tense: 

    • data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 202

    • so that the teacher has a visualization of all activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students,  

    • the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education

    • journals have been screened with predetermined study criteria

    • The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year



    • while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities

    • The results of this study have shown that the trend is testing existing learning models

    • the trend is investigating learning models adapted to inclusive  

    • the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class

    • and trends describing the right model for use in the inclusive class based on a literature review  



    • this study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria

    • The first step in this research is to collect journals from Google Scholar about the inclusive learning model

    • The second step is to analyze each journal with scanning and skimming techniques

    • The third step is to classify journals based on the educational level in Excel program by making a table that consists of the author, year, topic, method, and research results

    •The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation for each journal that has been tabulated as a study data in the Excel program

    • The fifth step is to conclude what types of learning models are considered relevant for inclusive education based on the results of research by experts from the journals that have been analyzed.

    • so very important to know the trend of inclusive learning models that are implemented


    Pas progressive

    • While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education

    • The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding

    • These learning models were studied and analyzed with three types of education namely experiments, observations, and surveys, with model testing oriented towards learning

    Reply to Rafifaraissya Khadijah  

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  • Nabila Fitriyanti Putri Wijaya
    Dec 19 2023 | 20:42

    Nabila Fitriyanti Putri Wijaya


    Simple present

    1. This type of character requires a learning model that can cover the learning needs of each students.

    2. The teacher divides into two areas.

    Simple past

    1. This model increased student motivation.

    Present progressive

    1. The tense is investigating learning models adapted to inclussive classes.


    1. So that learning succes can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model.


    1. The inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.

    2. Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.


    Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities.


    1. In inclusive schools have low pedagogic abilities.

    2. Many researchers have conducted studies on the accuracy of the inclusive learning model.

    3. All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing learning outcomes.


    1. Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies.

    2. So that the teacher has a visualization of all activities.


    1. The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts.

    Future tense

    1. All activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students.

    2. The quality of inclusive education will be achieved if the teacher competent for inclusive education.


    1. A backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included.

    2. The inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.


    1. Newly published reports were reviewed and assessed.

    2. The categories analyzed were the type of learning model.


    1. This study used a systematic review method by analyzing, evaluating, and concluding relevant findings about the inclusive learning model.

    To infinitive

    1.All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing.

    2.The learning model is the key to successful learning.

    3. So training is needed to develop their pedagogic abilities.

    Past progressive

    Tidak terdapat dalam artikel


    Reply to Nabila Fitriyanti Putri Wijaya  

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  • Khairunnisa Nur Sya'bana_1022231008
    Dec 19 2023 | 20:42

    Future tense : “The quality of inclusive education will be   achieved   if   the   teacher..”

    Simple present : “Through 24 journals about  the pedagogic abilities..”

    Present progressive : ” he trend is testing  existing  learning..”

    Infinitive :

    1. ”The fifth step is to conclude what types of learning…”
    2. “The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation..”
    3. “The second step is to analyze each journal..”

    Gerund :

    1. “While the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class.”
    2. “He  keywords  used  are the  inclusive  learning  model, teaching  model  of  inclusion,  and  inclusion  teaching  from  2013  to  2023.”

    Simple past tense :  “The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year.”

    Using :

    1. “data  collection  using  the  published  or  perish  application…”
    2. “using  the  Critical  Assessment  Skills  Program  for  qualitative  studies (Critical Assessment Skills Program, 2018).”
    3. “…examined using an  experimental  approach.”

    Have :

    1. “The results of this study have shown that the trend is testing..”
    2. “teachers who have pedagogic abilities which have relevant to student characteristics  (Nellitawati,  2019).
    3. “many researchers have conducted studies..”

    While :

    1. “while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities”
    2. “While the area outside the classroom consists..”
    3. “While  the  area  outside  the  classroom  consists..”

    Has :

    1. “The quality of inclusive education will be   achieved   if   the   teacher competent for

    inclusive education has qualified..”

    1. “Even  though inclusive education has been implemented..”
    2. “so that  the  teacher  has  a  visualization..”

    Use :

    1. “good and suitable for use in inclusive Classroom learning”
    2. “he  results  of  the  research  are  that  teachers  who  use  this  learning..”
    3. “and trends describing the right model for use in  the  inclusive..”


    Was :

    1. “a backward   search was performed..”
    2. “he researchers was a learning mode..”
    3. “was welcomed  by participants,..”

    Were :

    1. “ newly published reports were  reviewed and assesse…”
    2. “If references ware available and appropriate,..”
    3. “13 articles were selected  from  Scopus..”

    Had :

    1. “so that any important articles which had not been..”
    2. “that had been formulated by experts..”
    3. “articles which had not been identified in  the systematic..”



    Reply to Khairunnisa Nur Sya'bana_1022231008  

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  • Dinda Ayu Maharani
    Dec 19 2023 | 21:46

    Nama : Dinda Ayu Maharani
    Nim    : 1022231017
    Prodi  : S1 Gizi

    "Simple Past tense" 
    1. the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    2. data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023

    "Past progresif"
    1. data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023
    2. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
    (Page 146)
    3. To achieve good results in this study, a backwar search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly puvlished reports were reviewed and assessed so that any important articles which had not been identified in the systematic review could be uncluded
    4. if references were available and appropriate, they were included

    "Simple present tense"
    1. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding
    2. with the keywords teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar.
    (Page 154)
    3. besides that only some students with disabilities can respond to questions and others do not respond (silence).

    "Present progresif"
    1.This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria
    2. the trend is investing learning models adapted to inclusive classes(15%)
    3. the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class(15%)
    (Page 150)
    4. The writer found four types of assesment used by researchers to test these learning models, that are: comparing teaching models

    "Future tense"
    (Page 153)
    1. However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning.
    2. All activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students.
    3. The quality of inclusive education will be achieved if the teacher competent for inclusive education.

    1. So that learning succes can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model.

    1.the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.
    2. Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    1. Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living  in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs  of people with disabilities

    1. In inclusive schools have low pedagogic abilities.
    2. Many researchers have conducted studies on the accuracy of the inclusive learning model.
    3. All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing learning outcomes.

    1. Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies.
    2. So that the teacher has a visualization of all activities.

    1. the researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts.

    1. A backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included.
    2. The inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.

    1. Newly published reports were reviewed and assessed.
    2. The categories analyzed were the type of learning model.

    1.This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria; the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education. 
    2.data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023,
    3. with the keywords teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar. 
    4. compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models.
    5. analyzing the trends in teaching models revealed significant shifts in educational approaches

    "To infinitive"
    1. All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing.
    2. The learning model is the key to successful learning.
    3. So training is needed to develop their pedagogic abilities.

    Reply to Dinda Ayu Maharani  

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  • Afrida Nur Afifah_1022231001
    Dec 19 2023 | 22:45

    1. Simple Past Tense
    - From the observation that this learning model can be used for inclusive classes with the learning method, the teacher divides into two areas, namely the area in the class consists of 1) preparing for reading, 2) preparing for counting, 3) preparing for writing, 4) science, 5) playing the role, 6) painting, and 7) works of art.
    - This study used a systematic review method by analyzing, evaluating, and concluding relevant findings about the inclusive learning model.

    2. Simple Past Progressive Tense 
    - As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach. 
    - The quality of included studies, which were not peer-reviewed during the publication process, was evaluated using the Critical Assessment Skills Program for qualitative studies (Critical Assessment Skills Program, 2018).
    - If references were available and appropriate, they were included. 

    3. Simple Present Tense
    - This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria; the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education. 
    - The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. 

    4. Simple Future Tense
    - However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning. 
    - The quality of inclusive education will be achieved if the teacher competent for inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies (Masino & Niño-Zarazúa, 2016) because of the success of learning teachers who have pedagogic abilities which have relevant to student characteristics (Nellitawati, 2019). 
    - In addition, the learning model becomes a guide or guiding the teacher in providing learning to students designed intentionally, systematically, and structured (Trianto, 2013), so that the teacher has a visualization of all activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students, students and teachers, and students with the environment in the classroom (J. A. Smith, 2009).

    5. Gerund and Infinitive
    Gerund : 
    - These two items are the key to the success of learning, but the learning model is more important role than the teacher’s 
    competence because the learning model is a guide for teachers in conveying material and managing classes to achieve learning goals, so that learning success can be 
    determined by accuracy in the use learning model.

    Infinitive :
    - Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023, with the keywords teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar. 
    - Meanwhile, the learning model is the key to successful learning that is used by teachers to achieve learning goals (Marfu’ah et al., 2022).

    6. Tenses 
    Use :
    - This research investigates the use of the Special Education Teacher Allocation Model (SETAM) learning model in Ireland. 

    Using : 
    - As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.

    While :
    - Teacher competence is the teacher’s ability, which has related to his proficiency in managing the class and delivering material (Ramesh & Krishnan, 2020), while the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class (Trianto, 2013). 

    Will : 
    - However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning. 

    Have :
    - 200 journals have been screened with predetermined study criteria.

    Has :
    - The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or perish application, then is assessed by two screeners to evaluate the quality of the article.

    Had :
    - The systematic review study of inclusive teaching models indicated that the learning model studied by the researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts and then tried out in an inclusive classroom program.

    Reply to Afrida Nur Afifah_1022231001  

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  • Najuwa Febriyani
    Dec 19 2023 | 23:04

    Nama: Najuwa Febriyani

    NIM: 1022231011

    Prodi: S1 Gizi



    1.)The systematic review study of inclusive teaching models indicated that the learning model studied by the researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by

    experts and then tried out in an inclusive classroom program.

    2.)The quality of inclusive education will be achieved if the teacher competent for inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies (Masino & Niño-Zarazúa, 2016) because of the success of learning teachers who have pedagogic abilities which have relevant to student characteristics (Nellitawati, 2019).



    1.) Smith (2006) argues that there are two main objectives of the concept of inclusive education, firstly providing educational opportunities for children with special needs and secondly, realizing education that values diversity or educational equality based on human rights (Al-Shammari et al., 2019).

    2.)Conceptually, inclusive education gives education rights to all children (Dewsbury & Brame, 2019) with proper education (Bahri, 2021), so problems regarding inequality of education facilities between villages and cities that have existed so far; *Communities* in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs (Hakim, 2016), while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities.


    Tidak menemukan kalimat past progressive pada artikel



    1.) Likewise, with inclusive education, one of the successes of inclusive learning is determined by a learning model that is following the characteristics of inclusion (Rozi, Fathor, 2019).



    1.) The quality of inclusive education will be achieved if the teacher competent for inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies (Masino & Niño-Zarazúa, 2016) because of the success of learning teachers who have pedagogic abilities which have relevant to student characteristics (Nellitawati, 2019).



    1.) This research investigates the use of the Special Education Teacher Allocation Model (SETAM) learning model in Ireland.

    2.) As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.

    3.) The results of this study have shown that the trend is testing existing learning models by looking at their effectiveness and relevance to inclusive classes (62%), the trend is investigating learning models adapted to inclusive classes (15%), the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class (15%), and trends describing the right model for use in the inclusive class based on a literature review (8%). 

    4.) Teacher competence is the teacher’s ability, which has related to his proficiency in managing the class and delivering material (Ramesh &Krishnan, 2020), while the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class (Trianto, 2013). 

    5.) To achieve good results in this study, a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly published reports were reviewed and assessed so that any important articles which had not been identified in the systematic review could be included.

    6.) To achieve good results in this study, a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly published reports were reviewed and assessed so that any important articles which had not been identified in the systematic review could be included.

    7.) As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach.



    1.) This study used a systematic review method by analyzing, evaluating, and concluding relevant findings about the inclusive learning model.

    2.) The systematic review study of inclusive teaching models indicated that the learning model studied by the researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by

    experts and then tried out in an inclusive classroom program.



    1.) To Infinitive: The first step in this research is to collect journals from Google Scholar about the inclusive learning model, the keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023.

    2.) This study examines the Universal Design for Learning and Instruction learning model in inclusive collegelevel classes that aim to see student learning preferences.

    Reply to Najuwa Febriyani  

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  • Nama : Novia Fitriyanti Nim : 1022231029
    Dec 19 2023 | 23:11

    Simple present tense

    The study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria

    Simple past tense

    The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year


    He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023


    The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation for each journal that has been tabulated as a study data in the excel program

    Reply to Nama : Novia Fitriyanti Nim : 1022231029  

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  • Marshanda Galuh Ratna Dewati
    Dec 20 2023 | 06:19

    Simple Present Tense

    •> The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding


    Simple Past Tense

    •> Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023


    Past Progresif 

    •> if references were available and appropriate, they were included


    Present Progresif

    •> the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class(15%)


    Future Tense 

    •> However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning



    •> So that learning success can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model



    •> the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach



    •> while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities



    •> In inclusive schools have low pedagogic abilities



    •> Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies 



    •> The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts



    •> a ​​​​​​backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included



    •> this study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria

    •> Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023


    To Infinitive

    •> the learning model is the key to successful learning 

    Reply to Marshanda Galuh Ratna Dewati  

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  • azzaura salsabilla
    Dec 20 2023 | 07:28

    1. Simple Present Tense:

    1. This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models.
    2.  The learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    Simple Past Tense

    1.Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023
    2.The data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year

    Past Progresif 

    1.if references were available and appropriate, they were included
    2.As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach. 


    1.while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities
    2.He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023


    1.The first step in this research is to collect journals from Google Scholar about the inclusive learning model
    2.The second step is to analyze each journal with scanning and skimming techniques

    Reply to azzaura salsabilla  

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  • Leila Miftahul Farah
    Dec 20 2023 | 07:41

    1. Simple Past Tense:

    • “The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or perish application” [146]
    • “Kurniati, A. (2013). Application of Individual Learning Approaches to Citizenship Education Lessons on Disabled Students (Tunanetra) in MAN Maguwoharjo” [150]

    2. Past Progressive Tense:

    •  “The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or perish application, then is assessed by two screeners to evaluate the quality of the article” [146]
    • “This research investigates the center and circle learning models in kindergarten schools” [150]

    3. Simple Present Tense:  

    • “The quality of included studies, which were not peer-reviewed during the publication process, was evaluated using the Critical Assessment Skills Program for qualitative studies” [146]
    • “The third step is to classify journals based on the educational level in Excel program” [145]

    4. Present Progressive Tense:

    •  “The author is going to present the results of the article analysis to the screener to compress the selection of articles according to the study review criteria” [145]

    5. Future Tense:

    • “To achieve good results in this study, a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly published reports were reviewed and 1 assessed so that any important articles which had not been identified in the systematic review could be included” [146]

    6. Gerund:

    •  "The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or perish application, then is assessed by two screeners to evaluate the quality of the article" [147]
    • “The fifth step is to conclude what types of learning models are considered relevant for inclusive education based on the results of research by experts from the journals that have been analyzed” [146]

    7. Infinitive:

    • “To achieve good results in this study, a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly published reports were reviewed and assessed” [146]
    • “The author is going to present the results of the article analysis to the screener to compress the selection.” [147]

    8. Tense "have" :

    • “Detailed information about all articles that have been presented and given an assessment is entered into an Excel spreadsheet” [151]

    9. Tense "was" :

    • “The quality of included studies, which was not peer-reviewed during the publication process, was evaluated using the Critical Assessment Skills Program for qualitative studies” [147]

    10. Tense "where" :

    • “To achieve good results in this study, a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included and newly published reports were reviewed and assessed” [146]

    Reply to Leila Miftahul Farah  

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  • Diah ayu Nurafifah
    Dec 20 2023 | 08:08




    The research was conducted in six schools; with a sample of schools based on urban, 

    rural and semi-urban demographics .


    *There is no Past Progressive tense sentence in this article.


    The author screens each journal article that has been collected through the publish or 

    perish application, then is assessed by two screeners to evaluate the quality of the 

    article .


    The object of learning is reading and writing 

    5. However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning .

    6. TENSE

    • The frequency of using these assessments can be seen in the figure below

    • Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs (Hakim, 2016), while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities .

    • So problems regarding inequality of education facilities between villages and cities that have existed so far.

    • So that any important articles which had not been identified in the systematic review could be included .

    • Until now, many researchers have conducted studies on the accuracy of the inclusive learning model.

    • As for the criteria used in this study, the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach .

    • If references were available and ppropriate, they were included 

    7. In addition, a systematic review study has indicated that there are two outcomes 

    from testing the learning model carried out by researchers for inclusive learning, 

    namely learning achievement and teacher’s competence in managing inclusive classes

    Reply to Diah ayu Nurafifah  

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  • SINTA _ 1022231015
    Dec 20 2023 | 08:08

    Sinta_1022231015_prodi S1 Gizi 

     Simple Present Tense:
    1. This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models.
    2.  The learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3.  The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
    4. Data collection using the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    5. Keywords include teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google Scholar. 

     Past Progressive Tense 
    1. The researchers were analyzing the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2.  While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3.  The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. 

    Simple Past Tense 
    1.The study aimed to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2.The learning model was tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3.The systematic review method referred to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
    4.Data collection used the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    5.Keywords included teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) from Google

     Future Tense 
    1.This study will aim to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2.The learning model will be tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3.The systematic review method will refer to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
    4.Data collection will use the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    5.Keywords such as teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) will be utilized for the search on Google Scholar.

    Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.

    1. Using (Present Participle):
     Data collection using the Published or Perish application is a crucial step in the research process.
    2. While (Conjunction indicating simultaneous actions):
    While the learning model was being tested, researchers observed its effectiveness at various levels of education.
    3. Going to (Future Intent):
    The researchers are going to present their findings at the upcoming education conference.
    4. Had (Past Perfect):
     Before concluding the study, the researchers had compiled and analyzed a substantial amount of data.
    5. Have (Present Perfect):
    The researchers have identified key trends in inclusive learning models based on the collected data.
    6. Was (Past Tense of "to be"):
    The systematic review method was a critical aspect of ensuring a comprehensive analysis.
    7.  Were (Past Tense of "to be"):
    The five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding, were integral to the research process. 

    1. Compiling (Gerund as a Subject):
    Compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models.
    2. Disassembling (Gerund as a Subject):
    Disassembling the components of various teaching models revealed distinct patterns.
    3. Reassembling (Gerund as a Subject):
    Reassembling the information allowed for a more comprehensive analysis.
    4. Interpreting (Gerund as a Subject):
    Interpreting the results provided insights into the effectiveness of inclusive learning approaches.
    5. Concluding (Gerund as a Subject):
    Concluding the systematic review highlighted key findings in the field of inclusive education.
    6. Collecting (Gerund as an Object):
    Data collection using the Published or Perish application was a meticulous process.
    7.  Analyzing (Gerund as an Object):
    Analyzing the trends in teaching models revealed significant shifts in educational approaches.

    1. To analyze (Infinitive as the purpose of the study):
    This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2. To test (Infinitive as the purpose of the learning model):
    The learning model was tested to serve as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3. To refer (Infinitive as the purpose of the systematic review method):
    The systematic review method aims to refer to Castlebery with five study stages.
    4. To collect (Infinitive as the purpose of data collection):
    Data collection aims to use the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    5. To identify (Infinitive as the purpose of keywords):
    Keywords were selected to identify teaching models inclusive, teaching models for inclusive schools, and teaching models for SEND from Google Scholar.

    Reply to SINTA _ 1022231015  

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  • kahlaa lanyunila siti shabirah
    Dec 20 2023 | 08:11

    Nama : Kahlaa Lanyunila Siti Shabirah Nim : 1022231023 Prodi : S1 Gizi "Simple Past tense" (Abstract) 1. the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education. 2. data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023 "Past progresif" (Abstract) 1. data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023 2. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. 3. if references were available and appropriate, they were included "Simple present tense" (Abstract) 1. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding "Present progresif" (Abstract) 1.This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria 2. the trend is investing learning models adapted to inclusive classes(15%) 3. the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class(15%) (Page 150) 4. The writer found four types of assesment used by researchers to test these learning models, that are: comparing teaching models "Future tense" (Page 153) 1. However, teachers also realize that collaboration in teaching will be a success in learning. "Use" 1. So that learning succes can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model. "Using" 1.the inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach. 2. Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023. "While" 1. Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities "Have" 1. In inclusive schools have low pedagogic abilities. 2. Many researchers have conducted studies on the accuracy of the inclusive learning model. "Has" 1. Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies. "Had" 1. the researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts. "Was" 1. A backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included. 2. The inclusive learning model was examined using an experimental approach. "Gerund" 1.This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria; the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education. 2.data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023, "To infinitive" 1. All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing. 2. The learning model is the key to successful learning.

    Reply to kahlaa lanyunila siti shabirah  

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  • Dinda Hemaliya Putri_1022231022
    Dec 21 2023 | 16:44


    simple past tense:
    the data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 years

    simple present tense:
    1. This type of character requires a learning model that can cover the learning needs of each students.
    2. The learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.

    1. He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023
    2. program by making a table that consists of the author.

    1. The fifth step is to conclude what types
    2. The first step in this research is to collect journals from Google Scholar about the inclusive learning model

    Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.
    1. so that the teacher "has" a visualization of all  activities...
    2. examined "using" an experimental approach. 
    3.  accuracy in the "use" learning model
    4. "while" the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides
    5. namely the class "was" too large
    6. which "were" not peer-reviewed during the  publication process
    7. These model does not "have" significant differences
    8. which "had" not been identified in the systematic

    Reply to Dinda Hemaliya Putri_1022231022  

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  • Helga Javiera
    Dec 23 2023 | 22:21

    Nama : Helga Javiera Firdaus_1022231026


    1. Simple Present tense 
    • This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models.
    • The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.


    1. Simple Past Tense


    • Data collection used the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    • The researchers were analyzing the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.


    1. Past Progressive Tense 
    • The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding
    • While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education



    1. Present progressive 
    • The learning model is being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    • Keywords such as teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) are currently being used for the search on google scholar.



    1. Future Tense 
    • All activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students.
    • This study will aim to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.


    1. Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.
    • using : Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    • While : Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities.
    • use :  So that learning success can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model
    • was : a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included
    • Had :  The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts
    • Has : Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies 
    • Have : Detailed information about all articles that have been presented and given an assessment is entered into an Excel spreadsheet
    • were : The categories analyzed were the type of learning model.



    1. Gerund 
    • He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023.
    • Compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models.



    to invinitive 

    • All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing.
    • The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation


    Reply to Helga Javiera  

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  • Helga Javiera
    Dec 23 2023 | 22:22

    Helga Javiera Firdaus_ 1022231026

    1. Simple Present tense 
    • This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models.
    • The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.


    1. Simple Past Tense


    • Data collection used the Published or Perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    • The researchers were analyzing the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.


    1. Past Progressive Tense 
    • The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding
    • While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education



    1. Present progressive 
    • The learning model is being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    • Keywords such as teaching model inclusive, teaching model for inclusive school, and teaching model for SEND (student education need disabilities) are currently being used for the search on google scholar.



    1. Future Tense 
    • All activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students.
    • This study will aim to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.


    1. Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.
    • using : Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.
    • While : Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities.
    • use :  So that learning success can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model
    • was : a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included
    • Had :  The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts
    • Has : Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies 
    • Have : Detailed information about all articles that have been presented and given an assessment is entered into an Excel spreadsheet
    • were : The categories analyzed were the type of learning model.



    1. Gerund 
    • He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023.
    • Compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models.



    to invinitive 

    • All students have the same opportunity to achieve reading and writing.
    • The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation


    Reply to Helga Javiera  

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  • Amanda Putri Hardiana
    Dec 28 2023 | 15:46

    Amanda Putri Hardiana


    Simple present tense : 
    1. This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2. The systematic review method refers to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    Simple past tense :
    1. Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 202
    2. So that the teacher has a visualization of all activities that will be carried out between the teacher and students,  

    Gerund :
    1. The results of this study have shown that the trend is testing existing learning models...
    2. The trend is investigating learning models adapted to inclusive classes (15%).
    3. The trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class (15%).
    4. While the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class.
    5. He keywords used are the inclusive learning model, teaching model of inclusion, and inclusion teaching from 2013 to 2023.

    Past Progressive Tense :
    1. The researchers were analyzing the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria.
    2. While the data were being collected, the learning model was being tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education.
    3. The systematic review method was referring to Castlebery with five study stages, namely compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.

    Infinitive :
    1. The second step is to analyze each jurnal
    2. The third step is to classify journals
    3. The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation for each jurnal
    4. So very important to know the trend of inclusive learning models that are implemented


    Reply to Amanda Putri Hardiana  

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  • Dhea Aulia
    Jan 06 2024 | 08:31

    1. Simple present tense

    "this study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria"


    2. Simple past tense

    "the data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 year"


    3. Past progressive tense

    "this research investigates the center and circle learning models in kindergarten schools"


    4. Present progressive tense

    "the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class(15%)"


    5. Gerund

    "the trend is comparing learning models by looking for relevance to the inclusive class(15%)"


    6. Infinitive

    "this study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria"

    Reply to Dhea Aulia  

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  • Anaqah Ibtisamah
    Jan 09 2024 | 09:09

    Nama : Anaqah Ibtisamah

    NIM : 1022231003

    Simple Present tense :

    • This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria

    • The teacher divides into two areas


    Simple past tense

    • This study used a systematic review method by analyzing, evaluating, and concluding relevant findings about the inclusive learning model.

    • data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023


    Past progressive tense

    • This research investigates the center and circle learning models in kindergarten schools

    • if references were available and appropriate, they were included


    Present progressive tense

    • Likewise, with inclusive education, one of the successes of inclusive learning is determined by a learning model that is following the characteristics of inclusion

    • he trend is testing existing learning



    • compiling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning models

    • While the learning model is a series of teacher’s guides in managing and delivering material in class


    To infinitive

    • The second step is to analyze each journal with scanning and skimming techniques

    • The fourth step is to carry out an interpretation for each journal that has been tabulated as a study data in the excel program


    Using,While,Going To, Had,Was,Were.

    using : Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023.

    While : Communities in villages face a lack of special school facilities for students with special needs, while people living in cities have special school facilities comparable to the needs of people with disabilities.

    use : So that learning success can be determined by accuracy in the use learning model

    was : a backward search was performed where the bibliographies of included

    Had : The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated by experts

    Has : Inclusive education has qualified pedagogical competencies 

    Have : Detailed information about all articles that have been presented and given an assessment is entered into an Excel spreadsheet

    were : The categories analyzed were the type of learning model.

    Reply to Anaqah Ibtisamah  

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  • Regita Pramesti(1022231014)
    Jan 09 2024 | 16:03

    Use : 
    -the blended learning model is effective for use in classes
    -  teachers  who  use  this  learning model  find  obstacles  regarding  time  constraint
    - Based the three models are effective for use  ininclusive classes
    - data collection using the published or perish application
    -  theinclusivelearningmodelwas examined using an experimental approach. 
    - was  evaluated  using  the  Critical  Assessment  Skills  Program  for  qualitative  studie
    -while the learning model is a series of teacher’sguides in managing and delivering material in class 
    - While people living in cities have special school facilities comparabl
    - while students without special needs have a variety
    Was :
    - The researchers was a learning model that had been formulated
    - The research was conducted in six schools
    - was welcomed by participants
    Have : education facilities between villages and cities that have existed so far
    Has : the  teacher  has  a  visualization  of  all  activities
    Had: articles which had not been identified in  the systematic  review  could  be  included.

    Simple past tense :
    the data of study extracted by publish or perish applications for the last 10 years
    Simple present tense : 
    these learning models provide real experiences to inclusive students who find it difficult to think abstractly.
    Present progressive : 
    Circle Learning Model that was packaged into learning modules for the Kindergarten Education level.
    Past progressive
    Data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023
    Future tense: 
    The quality of education will be achieved if the teacher competent inclusive education

    Gerund :

    1 This study aims to analyze the trend of inclusive learning models with study criteria: the learning model tested as an inclusive learning model at various levels of education 
    2 data collection using the published or perish application to collect articles from 2013 to 2023
    3. compling data is a crucial step in understanding the inclusive learning mode 
    To Infinitive :
    1. This study examines the Universal Design for Learning and Instruction learning model in inclusive collegelevel classes that aim to see student learning preferences.
    2. The fifth step is to conclude what types

    Reply to Regita Pramesti(1022231014)  

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